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The Cardiologist's Wife on Obesity - How Much is Too Much? How much is too much? At what weight does one stop and say, "I’ve got a problem?" The answer to these questions is of great interest to me as I often wonder how some people become morbidly obese. Doctors define morbid obesity as being 100% over your ideal body weight. Morbid obesity sharply increases your risk of illness, disability and early death. A patient recently came to the hospital seeking treatment for shortness of breath. This patient weighed some 600 pounds. Let’s think about how much 600 pounds really is. My husband is 5’11” and weighs 155 so this person’s weight equaled four average men. My children’s large pony weighed approximately 600 pounds and could carry an adult rider. Humans are not supposed to weigh as much as a large pony or 4 men. I have not read any literature on the mental processes of obesity; i.e. what allows someone to neglect their health to the point of becoming morbidly obese. I am sure there is a mental disconnect that occurs and a person’s sense of reality changes. However, how does the sense of reality change for those surrounding someone who is morbidly obese? In the case mentioned above, the patient’s mother prepared the excess amounts of food that were consumed so she was a direct cause of the patient’s obesity. At what point do we not look at ourselves or those we care for and see the need for change? My husband has told me that the weight limit for hospital beds and operating tables has had to increase over the years that he has practiced medicine. Still there are patients who weigh too much for treatment. Sometimes patients have to be taken to the loading dock to be weighed as normal scales won’t register the true weight. Too much abdominal weight indicates that your body is starting to store fat around your organs and puts you at risk for developing Type II diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease. Men with a waist over 40 inches and women with a waist over 35 inches need to lose weight. Here’s something to consider: in childhood, excess calories are converted into NEW fat cells while in adulthood, excess calories expand existing fat cells. Therefore, persons who were obese as children have a harder time losing weight because they have more fat cells than someone who was of a normal weight as a child. Teach your children the importance of a healthy diet and exercise. Set the example yourself by eating small portions, plenty of fruits and vegetables and exercising. My husband and I hope that our message reaches someone out there who actually makes a change. You are in control of your health to a large extent and that of your children. Taking care of yourself doesn’t always have to cost lots of money though if you get sick it certainly will. Walking and exercising at home are free and cutting out junk food and sodas will save money on groceries that can be spent on fruits and vegetables. It’s time to make a change. [+] add comment |